Guidance and Predictions overview: Lovely September brings a breath of fresh air. You are remembering that it’s up to you to speak about the things that are important to you. August may have left many feeling overwhelmed but also excited for what is ahead. Thank goodness this month should be a little less hectic although you might find that you will still need to notice your thoughts and choose to direct them in new way. Old thought patterns can take a while to change. Your relationships with loved ones will also have a positive burst of energy- you will feel heard, and communication becomes easier. Give yourself the luxury of taking your time to make any major future decisions. You have done so much last month that all your intentions will arrive in perfect time. Rest up when you can and allow life’s creations to flow towards you in its natural rhythm.


Collective Energy influences

1st – 14th September: The energy tail of the blue super full moon will still be felt as September begins. The clouds of uncertainty should lift soon although your body could be talking to you. Taking care of your health will be a focus and if you don’t the body will speak louder. As the seasons change once again you will also feel the need for change. Your personal reflections recently may have had you going over old ground or revisiting and reassessing your life.  Somewhere in your reassessing you worked out how you would like to use your time. Your confidence has improved. The wisdom collected from the past is allowing you to trust your intuition. Make sure you remind yourself to listen to those intuitive thoughts that pop right in when you need direction. Don’t delay, act on them as there is no need to reassess or to think about it for too long.


14th – 30th September: We have our September new moon on the 16th and as with all new moons this is the darkest time of the month. A time for stillness within. Meditate for insights during this time. The dark water of the ocean has a lot happening within it although we cannot always see what is taking place. Global transformation is very likely to take place this new moon. Personal values could be challenged. Opinions could be expressed, and conflicts could arise. Do your very best to stay in your own lane if you notice your own personal views being challenged. Hold the light of conscious awareness and enter your own stillness. Detach and love consciously as others around may not know how. The end of the month could bring with it chaos and testing times. The urge to commit more fully to yourself will come out of this. The desire to develop more skills in any field that you love has you jumping ahead in leaps and bounds with your personal spiritual development. This could be a very challenging but also an incredibly rewarding time for spiritual awakening. Trust strengthens. Fear blocks.


Your Mantra for the month of September  

I trust.

I communicate clearly.

I love my body.

I am transforming.

I love consciously. 

Australian Wildlife Guidance.

Green Tree Frog says, “Communicate clearly”. “Be decisive with your spoken word.” Green Tree Frog doesn’t usually have much to say but becomes very vocal during the wet season. Communication and listening are equally important. Speak up when necessary.

Feng Shui Tip: Spring is in the air here in Australia. Yes, it’s the perfect time of year to do that spring clean.  How healthy is your home after winter? It’s time to declutter, open the windows and let fresh air through the home. If you do want your life to flow, there is one thing to understand. Clutter and good Feng Shui cannot co-exist. Spring is an excellent time to decide which way you want to live. It is often a very emotional process to fully de-clutter, but it can also be such a powerful process to live clutter free. It can heal and energise and bring clarity and opportunity into your experience.

Essential oil Rosemary is encouraged for use during the month of September. It will enhance your clarity of thought and personal confidence.




August 2023 FORECAST