August 2023 FORECAST

Guidance and Predictions overview: Everything is out in the open. Much has been revealed to you about yourself and others. Humanity is feeling the massive change taking place globally. You realise your own part in much of it and decide it’s time to ask yourself what changes you could make. With two moons this month, August begins and ends with a big beautiful full moon in our sky. Step outside and let the moon light shine on you. They are the doorways that open and close a very action orientated month, with much change occurring. For some this will be positive, for others very challenging. The full moon energy can leave you feeling tired due to restlessness or from lack of good quality sleep, or you may be someone that feels more energised by its intensity and tend to burn yourself out. Remember to take time to rest in between your busyness. Pace yourself.  Global and personal change is well and truly under way!

Collective Energy influences:

 1st – 14th August: This is a time when you notice what is not working for you. You let yourself become who you want to be by letting go of who you are not! You use this newfound knowledge as an accelerator in your life. Spiritual awareness is strengthening in every soul here on planet earth, and many are noticing their personal intuitive gifts have developed. The 8th day of the eighth month is known as a power day. You can see your own strengths and want to act on projects you have had a long-term desire to achieve. You can observe in your life abundance all around you. When feeling these blessings with gratitude in your heart you have the power to generate and create a healthy abundant life for yourself and others on this planet. Your time has come.

14th – 31st August Change and self-responsibility takes place as you realise that you are the star of your own show here on planet earth. Not only are you the star of the show but you are also the stage director. Everything in every part of your life is mirroring back to you this month. You are observing the ‘Play’ and taking action to correct your part in the stage production called ‘My Life.’

You will receive many intuitive nudges that will call you into immediate and long-term action. Your plans are on the table ready to proceed. Contracts will be signed. Projects confirmed.  Relationship commitments will be renewed, and past relationships may be reviewed for deeper understanding. You use the light of the super full moon to dissolve any lingering fear. This clears your path. You consciously end the month of August trusting yourself. Stepping up and letting others see who you are and what you are capable of.


Your Mantra for the month of August:  

I welcome change.

I am responsible.

I see abundance everywhere.

I am grateful.

I trust.

Crow says, “this is your Spirit Message”. “You have divine gifts.” “Trust in your abilities and follow your path.” Crow knows that others may not always understand and reminds you that Crow’s divine role is to receive messages between this reality and the other side. Crow is the messenger and says it is time to align with your gifts. Go within. Your heart speaks your truth. It is simply time to listen.


Feng Shui Tip To activate abundance in our home we can always look towards nature as the ultimate expression of abundance. You can recreate the lush energy of nature with plants, clean air, and natural light. Nature provides the nourishment of chi sometimes expressed as ‘life force’ or ‘prana’ to all living beings. When we activate the chi with healthy living plants, fresh air and letting light into the home we go a long way towards welcoming abundance into our own expression of life and the likelihood of attracting more abundance of anything that we are asking for. Abundance of health, friendships, knowledge, and the energy of financial abundance. Hang a crystal light catcher with your personal intent at your front door entrance or the bedroom window. Notice what shows up for you! You may be surprised. August 2023 has a lot to offer!




July 2023 Forecast