Guidance and Predictions overview: Hang on to your hats folks. Here come the winds of change. Forces may be conflicting with each other. Be aware and stand back, look from the bigger perspective during all of October. Stay calm. Don’t get caught up in conflict. See all ‘positive and negative energies’ as ‘Yin and Yang’, two opposite sides operating together to bring about change. Any negative energy is a reminder and an opportunity to uplift ourselves and others in the midst of difficulties. We can always choose to remain compassionate and accepting of what is. Be in close contact and communicate with the ones you feel at peace with. Limiting thoughts create limiting vibrations and after all we are all individual energies creating a collective vibe. Do your best to stay aligned with high vibration (positive light energy). This will assist other and yourself to activate and allow any necessary change to take place.

Collective Energy influences:

1st – 14th October: During October you will be compelled to look at your beliefs and to ask yourself how your current beliefs are working for you. You could also find the courage to look ahead instead of how it once was. New ideas bring blessings to many who have gained a different perspective. You could also find yourself examining your relationships. The vibrational match may have shifted, and friendships could be re-examined. Many are also awakening spiritually to why they are here in this body. You understand clearly that your light of awareness is needed and that you are learning and growing in awareness every step of the way during this incarnation. You are likely to speak up from a place of knowing you are worthy of being heard. You know that difficult times can also lead to wonderful times ahead. Even if you think you can’t face something that is ahead, don’t complicate it by overthinking. Choose positive vibrational thoughts allow your feelings, meditate until any limited feelings resolve naturally.

14th – 31st October: You can now decide where you put your precious energy. Clear intention is set which automatically has you changing and clearing your current blueprint or personal Karma through newfound inner awareness. During this time watch for reactions and snappy heated conversations. This energy is coming from old, outdated ego beliefs that someone must win or lose. Practice humility and trust in a spiritual intelligence that is guiding humanity forward. By the end of the month, you will see what to let go. Everything could be changing within you, and your uncertainty could be disturbing but it can also be a very fortunate blissful time. If at this time you are not feeling grateful or fortunate do your best to connect inwardly to your heart, have faith and know that this too shall pass. Everything comes in cycles, and we are in a great big divine washing machine currently on planet earth. At the end of this cycle, no matter how long it takes we will feel fresh and spiritually clean and aligned. Trust is required.

Your Mantra for the month of October: 

I adjust my beliefs as awareness enters.

I have courage to face my destiny.

I vibrate with love.

Australian Wildlife Guidance.

Willy Wagtail says, “Celebrate life”. “Wag your tail feathers like Willy Wagtail. Make time for happiness. Willy asks that you radiate to others only that which you wish them to radiate back to you. It is in your power to do so by changing your outlook on life. Never lose sight of your purpose. Your purpose is to celebrate life and be at ease.


Feng Shui Tip: Do you feel good when you enter your home? If not, it could be that the energy vibration may not be a match with you. If your home radiates peace and harmony everyone that enters will feel supported.

The centre space of your home is known in Feng Shui as the ‘heart’ of your home. The more open and happier your heart centre is the happier you will be. Keep that area clear from clutter, clean and pleasing to the eye. Happy house, happy you



