
“Literally…. WOW! Sure, I’ve had readings by other Clairvoyants before but when I had my first reading with Susan, she was spot on with just about everything! I was simply amazed at her accuracy, and it has been the same with each reading since”


“My reading with Susan was amazing and quite profound. I sought my reading because of deep grief that after almost a year wasn’t even starting to heal. It was affecting all areas of my life including my chronic illness.

I received SO much more than I ever expected. I heard from my mum ( which Susan validated) and this has helped me immensely.

I received an incredible amount of wisdom and guidance from Spirit through Susan. So much information to guide me and will literally change the way I think and feel and heal.

I can’t wait to receive my recording to listen again to everything and I’ll always have that to remind me. Thank you Susan for your sensitivity and compassion. When I feel the time is right for another Reading I will be back again. I wouldn’t go to anyone else.

— L, Tasmania

“There have been such changes in me since my visit.

I'm still finding it physically challenging but not to the same degree.

I'm working at owning and allowing the pain and also on positive thoughts. Not just thinking about it. I've noticed when I get up and a knee is locked or some such I look and realise that I've been thinking negatively.

I open my mind and change direction.

You've given me so much hope and I almost had none left.

I thank you so much.

I'm observing more and things that used to upset me are now humorous. I still have to learn though to let the dramas go by me.

I get involved so I need to change direction there as well.

I am using Marjoram and White Fir oils from my sister and they are moving generational issues etc, as is my husband and there is a new softness and warmth between us. With me more mobile as well, he is not so fearful.”

— S, Queensland

“Being able to ask specific questions really impresses me, and let’s be honest, it is usually the specific details that clarity is required and Susan’s ability to hone in on these are second to none. And it doesn’t matter what area in your life you need answers, whether it be for relationships, career, health or whatever, she can help you.

I highly recommend Susan to anybody seeking the guidance of a Clairvoyant, and we are truly privileged that Susan shares her gift with us all.”

-N, Queensland

“I had Susan come and visit last week and help with Feng Shui. What amazing wisdom she has and shared with me to help with my business. Thank you Susan it feels so good now that I have implemented your suggestions. I would recommend Susan for anyone wanting to change the energy in their home or business. Thank you Susan.”

-L, Queensland

“Having experienced a long dark period in my life, at age 74 I really felt there was nothing to look forward to. I couldn’t summon up the energy to really enjoy life.

A Feng Shui Consultation with Susan opened the way to amazing changes in my life.

It is astounding how following her suggestions has actually given me a new lease of life. The house feels light, happy and much more comfortable..

I feel joyful, now and look forward to my future with enthusiasm.

I cannot speak highly enough of Susan, her true concern and her ability to get to the heart of things.

I am now looking forward to the exciting things ahead of us, and would recommend Susan and her wonderful gifts to anyone who seeks to improve any part of their life.”

-K, Queensland

‘Thank you so much for an incredible and lovely reading.
Wishing you a wonderful day. ‘

-D, Queensland

“I first met Susan in May 2013, for a full house feng shui session. I have been intrigued by this for some time & as we were looking at selling in the near future it seemed like the right time. We were also travelling overseas as a family in a month & I had read that feng shui could also help with health & relationship difficulties. These were both areas of interest to me.

The initial consult in our home took a few hours & I felt so comfortable & in awe throughout. Some of the things Susan highlighted were truly spot on & others made sense to me once I thought more about them. Susan mentioned in the love area I needed to place 'items in pairs', eg. candles or teddies. She also suggested for my husband & I to buy a plant together & both take responsibility for its care & nurturing.

In the bathrooms & toilets simple remedies like closing the toilet lid & door & placing a big flat stone over the shower drain to prevent our money from running away. In the travel area, Susan found clutter & movement which was all of our suitcases & travel gear in chaos in the theatre room, ready for our upcoming trip.

Susan gave me many suggestions to help with the Sale of our home & over the next 6 months she was fully supportive via text or email. Susan's ideas were varied, from making the entrance to our home more appealing through a pathway, certain pot plants in shiny pots & colourful flags to draw in 'positve chi & attention'. We had one contract that fell through & then within another 2 weeks we were successful in getting another one which led to the sale of our family home. During this time, Susan was very reassuring to me & kept asking me to 'trust'.

During this time I also had a personal reading via the phone with Susan which was really amazing & pinpointed certain things that I had questioned for many years. It also made reference to our house selling soon. I found this reading very helpful & a wonderful experience. A few things have happened since the reading that have been accurate & made me reflect in a positive manner. Our daughter was struggling with direction for her future & Susan told us she would fence sit for awhile & then just make a decision. After some soul searching & much indecisiveness, she has made her decision & is off to Uni. My husband was between work contracts during this period & Susan was correct in saying he would work closer to home & be home more regularly.

I am about to organise a house reading with Susan for our new home via Skype, once we are settled. I am so grateful to the day I picked up Susan's pamphlet at our local Health Shop & would recommend having a reading to everyone, especially those with an open mind. Thankyou Susan, you are truly inspiring.”

-A, Queensland

“I just wanted to give you some feedback since I had my reading with you in April. I wanted you to know how impressed I am and how accurate you were in my reading. You said that I would be pregnant in 3 months and here I am and due in March which is great as 3 is my favourite number and this is a special year.

It was my second reading with you so I knew you were very good but was still surprised! I'm sure as the year unfolds there will be many more accuracies!

Thank you again for your wonderful reading, I keep telling my friends to go and see you!”

-L, Queensland

“In the wealth corner in our house, in the kitchen, I have been leaving the wooden chopping board out, and have put river stone pebbles in the sinks on top of the drains, and I have just won a prize in the Gold Lotto of $1113 , how fantastic is that!

If I would have listened better to the spirits that gave me the winning numbers, I would have had the 6th number right as well, I had filled in a 2 instead of a 3, in that case I would have won $700,000 or $800,000, but when I did my winners' dance and thanked my spirits, they told me this is just the beginning! Wow, wow, and WOW!

I am very grateful. Wanted to share this great news with you, thank you for your teachings.”

-A, Queensland

“About 4 months ago I had a telephone reading by Susan. At the time we had just listed our house for sale and I was just wanting to know if she could see how it was going to go. Susan told me we were going to get an offer on our house that weekend but we wouldn't like what we heard. That is exactly what happened that weekend.

She then continued on to say in 8 weeks we would be celebrating. Well 8 weeks to the day we got a contract on our house. We couldn't be happier. The purchasers then asked for an extension of a month for settlement. I then telephoned Susan at that time to see if she could see an outcome for us. Susan advised me that she couldn't see an end to the contract it was just delays and we would know more in 2 weeks time. 1.5weeks later the contract is now unconditional.

I can't thank Susan enough for her readings. It not only gave me peace of mind but she was RIGHT!! I have recommended Susan to all my friends and I will be getting another reading in the future for more guidance from her.”

-L, Queensland

"We had had our house on the market for a couple of years as a result of the passing of our son. We needed to make new dreams come true, but were unable to move on and sell this house. I say house, as it now longer felt like our home without our son Luke. Things were building up, pressures, we just weren't sure what was happening, but not by chance we met the lady at Shop Magically and she gave us your name.

I made an appointment to come out and see you. We told you about not being able to sell our house and you told us what the reason was. We had already left the house in our hearts, and now the house was empty, there was no love in it and people felt that when they walked in to inspect the house.

You advised me to 'clean' the house and to sing, dance and put love back into it, and that we would sell it in 3 weeks.

I bought some sage smudging grass, burnt that in the mornings before we left home, danced around all the rooms, remembering the lovely family things that we had in that house. And... we sold it in three weeks, to a great couple that were very accommodating with timing for us to move out etc. It was like a miracle to us at the time.

Thank you Susan for the guidance then and now.”

-A, Queensland