Guidance and Predictions overview: 

Life has served up much on our earthly plate lately. I trust you are doing ok! Thank goodness November brings a little more time at least to reflect on what has happened recently. Our world has changed and continues to change on a personal and collective level. If the human lessons of the past few months have been missed, the middle of the month will give another opportunity once again for many to learn lessons. This could continue to be uncomfortable for some. Make sure you are aware of your own state of consciousness. This planet is giving us, individually and collectively an opportunity to learn during these current times. Ego unconsciousness is doing its best to keep fear alive. Don’t be distracted by fear, stay very in tune with the unlimited love of divine consciousness that we are all connected to. Make sure your daily life is always connected to that pure spiritual intelligence that will guide you through any troubling times. You can connect to that intelligence by simply holding your hands over your heart and listening to your own heartbeat. That is your connection point. Say hello and give thanks.

Collective Energy influences:

1st – 14th November: During this first couple of weeks of November, you may find yourself questioning your current life path. Some will be making decisions to surrender to what is, others will put their head down and decide to work harder on their own personal situations. If you have been carrying most of the load in your day-to-day work/life/relationship situation, more personal inner resolve to speak up may be required. You find a way to be brave, clear, calm, and focused. You can speak your truth and any fears you may have been facing will disappear. Either way you will now decide to make inner peace and joy your goal. It is so important to remember that peace comes from remembering that only love is real. It’s what uplifts and allows us to come together as one and do what we love. The new moon on the 13th could well bring some more disturbances. The powerful energy that is coming onto our planet earth is part of the ancient cycle of rising and falling that has taken place throughout history. We can individually make a difference each time. How it ultimately personally plays out in this current time is totally in our own hands. Many on their Karmic journey have decided to choose between light and shadow. Stay steady during this time as you have the potential to receive esoteric information and spiritual truths like never before.

 14th – 30TH November:  Exercise and healthy eating has put you in a far better position to deal with any daily stress. You have become very much aware of the food you are putting in your mouth. Where it comes from and how you feel once consumed. Your body wants a shift away from low vibrational processed food. If you feel you have not quite achieved this then you are probably still giving away your precious energy far too much to others. It might be time to contact a Lifestyle Coach / Counsellor to get motivated and to believe in yourself again. Once you feel the benefits your motivation comes back naturally. Remember you are a natural ‘giver’ and so many others benefit from what you offer daily. You know it’s time to practice ‘receiving’ and to benefit in just the same way. Towards the end of this month things feel energetically upside down again, so if you have your stress management sorted you will sail through the chaos presented in the world a little easier. Unconscious people around you may have very short fuses, or you might find yourself saying more than you intended to. Some apologies may be needed. Fairness, respect, and compassion is important. These qualities will be highlighted globally this month. Don’t be swayed to become distrustful of everything. You know that you are responsible for yourself and your loved ones, and you are doing it well. Pat yourself on the back. Your maturity is noticed. Your trust/faith in divine intelligence shines through.

 Your Mantra for the month of November: 

I choose light.

I feel peace and joy.

I trust.

Australian Wildlife Guidance.

KOALA:  Kindness - Compassion. Koala is the cute peace-loving Buddha of the Australian bush. His natural behaviour is to live in harmony with his surroundings. Koala wishes for humanity to become aware of the oneness of life and to follow the call to work in harmony with all life. Koala reminds us to be consciously kinder to ourselves and others, ‘what we do to others we do to our self. Your heart is full of compassion. “Be kind” says Koala.

Feng Shui Tip: The healing power of smudging is often overlooked. Regular cleansing rituals to purify your home brings the potential to attract positive healthy energy and peace in life. This practice is especially useful after there has been sickness or trauma in the home. A smudge stick made of the herb sage is burnt to create smoke. This smoke can then be fanned with feathers to cleanse and purify not only your space but also objects and individuals you live or work with. Many traditional cultures cleanse people individually before entering a gathering or ceremony. I encourage you to do this cleansing process on a day when you have already physically cleaned and tidied your space. Not much is achieved if the place is messy. It would be like putting a clean dress on a dirty body. You would not fully feel the benefits.


