April 2023 FORECAST

Guidance and Predictions overview: It’s time to put all your thoughts into action. There has been enough asking yourself “will I, won’t I, should I? The collective energy of fatigue eases and resistance to change dissolves. You rid yourself of old outdated habits clearing the path to step into a very new future. Being true to your own authenticity will see you owning your individual uniqueness. You empower others to do the same. If you still find yourself challenged with past issues, call in your higher consciousness to help you embrace what you are learning. Allow yourself the freedom to let it be. Tell yourself you are doing the best you can. It is now time to change a past belief that does not serve you. Radical forgiveness and acceptance of self and others has the potential to set you free this month.

Collective Energy influences:

1st – 14th April: April will set a very different pace. March has been tough! You will be focused and more disciplined with your personal spiritual growth. You are alert and won’t create too much pressure for yourself. Many will now have the wisdom to recognise what is needed and what is not necessary. You develop techniques to easily let go of any old conditioned belief systems that do not serve you anymore. The full moon on the 6th of April is the perfect evening to write a list of what does not serve you anymore. Let it all go by burning it and watching it dissolve into smoke and disappear. Say thank you to your higher consciousness for lessons learnt. Ideas and creative projects are underway.

14th – 30th April: You have made the most of the first half of April. Although it could still turn out for some to have been the calm before the storm. Last month everyone felt so much resistance, delay and uncertainty and had to dive deep into shadows of their past beliefs. Now you get a chance to see how much you have grown. You can see a clear path ahead. If things get a little challenging again don’t be too concerned as you will have intuitive insights flowing through that will carry you back onto your creative path. You may need to keep reminding yourself that life is changing for the better. Affirm to yourself that life has not been doing anything ‘to’ you, it has been doing it ‘for’ you! You know you make a difference to humanity. Staying positive during the last week has you manifesting quickly and reaping personal rewards for staying in alignment with your authentic self. Listened to your heart and feel the benefits of that.

This month Australian Wildlife shares a message with you.

Flying Fox is often misunderstood for hanging upside down just being himself in his tree home. They have a reputation for being unclean. Flying Fox says, “if something is not working for you at this current time, try looking from a different perspective like I do”. Flying Fox knows when to hang the ‘right side up’ to avoid soiling himself. You may find it possible to change a certain belief when you look from a different perspective. A clearer understanding will be developed.

Your Feng Shui Tip for April. If you would like something to help you generate creative ideas why not hang a mobile, flag, chime or anything that moves and uplifts the Chi. You could also make your own mobile using anything from nature: - crystals, rocks, wood, leaves, metal. These natural items will symbolically generate new ideas and inspiration. Hang where you see it or where you walk past it each day. Touch it with your hand to activate your creative ideas.

Online Feng Shui Consultations Available.

Activate your creativity


Key words for April: Alert Focused Motivated.


May 2023 Forecast


March 2023 FORECAST