May 2023 Forecast

Guidance and Predictions overview: May being the 5th month of the year brings the energy of the earth elements. Surround yourself with all your favourite stones crystals and earthy colours that you resonate with. Sit on the earth often during the month of May. You will find it easier to ground yourself and truly know from within what you intend to grow in your life. Seeds of ideas are planted, and many of you have done the necessary weeding (removing from your life what is not necessary). Your inspiration will be flowing, and you will stay focused on doing what you love. Have you been able to reprogram your thoughts and feel ready to grow your own future?  You have the power of the universe on your side now. Good fortune is yours to claim. Remember to ask yourself, “what am I growing by the thoughts that I have?” Speak up with faith this month and ask for what you want.

Collective Energy influences:

1st – 14th May: We all have a little bit of every possibility in all of us. The positive and negative, yin & yang. We ebb & flow with change just as nature does through the changing seasons and all the different weather patterns we experience. During the first 2 weeks of May some will feel the positive light side of life and be ready to take a leap of faith forward in their life. Others will experience the darker places where your moods may challenge you to look deeper. Use the full moon eclipse on the 6th to become more conscious of your old sabotaging patterns. Release and make room for what you want to grow more of in your life. Past trauma may surface during this time, remember to be sensitive to yourself and loved ones. Finding what you are grateful for will help incredibly now! You find you are ready to talk to people who hold space and listen calmly. You understand that your authentic expression is very healing for yourself and for others. You choose your people wisely and do not allow other people’s fears & doubts to pull you out of your own commitment to your authentic path.

14th – 31st May: Fresh new beginnings are in the air! What are you making new in your life? Your ability to be grateful leads you into what feels like ‘good fortune’. You see synchronicities that are aligning you to what you have been asking for. Your own personal wish fulfillments are presenting. The possibilities are up to you. Earning more money, improving health outcomes, forming genuine relationships are all in your hands. What you are putting into action has the potential to manifest. Every thought you are thinking is creating your reality. Go for it this month! Although a word of warning, “if you keep thinking and doing things the old way, your life will continue the same”. The universe is asking you to get on board with this month’s lucky vibe and see where it takes you. Make it work. You don’t have to catch any old negative balls that are thrown your way. Just simply step aside and let what is said pass you by. No need to engage in any conflict. Be easy on yourself and others. Your reality is created by you!


Mantra for May : I am successful; I am peaceful; I am healthy; I am wise.

Energy follows thought and creates with a vibrational match.

This month focus on discovering more, staying focused and having faith in yourself.


The Australian Wildlife Creature shares a message with you.

Sugar Glider is a small nocturnal marsupial also known as ‘Bagu’ the Aboriginal name in the Gamilaraay language. Sugar Gliders can glide great distances. The tiny Sugar Glider has been known to glide over 45 meters.  His message is -Take a leap of faith, you will reach your goal. Have faith in yourself!

 Feng Shui Tip- What is your House Number saying about you? Can you relate?

Feng Shui Tip What is your House Number saying about you? Can you relate?

 Add all digits together to become one single number.

 495 becomes 4+9+5=18 becomes 1+8 =9

 Below is a very basic meaning to the energy number of your home.

 0 – Opening, potential, nothingness

 1 – New beginnings, flowing forward

 2 – Balance, connection, team effort

 3 – Family, self- understanding & life skills

 4 – personal challenges, a need for stability & grounding

 5 – change, resourcefulness & adventure

 6 – Calm, patience & awareness

 7 – Contemplation, self-evaluation & solitude

 8 - Endless abundance & success

 9 – Completion, confidence & recognition



June 2023 Forecast


April 2023 FORECAST