Guidance and Predictions overview: 2024 brings another complex year. It will be both exciting and challenging within the fast-paced energy. You have gained much wisdom during the past few years and now you get a chance to use that wisdom in your daily life. Caution and mindfulness will be needed. Light energy is reaching a peak frequency bringing greater awareness to humanity. You may recognise this as an increase in synchronistic events happening in your life. You will also need to take very good care of your body. You could experience physical body disturbances such as strange aches & pains. Your energy body is being re arranged with the lighter energy frequency needed for spiritual awareness. 2024 is also the Year of the Wood Dragon that indicates a very active Yang year. It can potentially be very powerful to create what is desired or to destroy and cause more chaos. Stay focused on building your best life with the positive masculine energy that is within this Yang energy year. Don’t give up if others are not by your side. Remember to listen to your own guidance. To help you navigate this year offer your body good nutrition, more water, regular exercise, body treatments, adequate rest, fresh air and most of all meditation. Read this monthly forecast often during the month to keep you on track.

2024 both exciting and challenging!

Collective Energy influences:

1st – 14th January: You know that you are appreciated and have developed so many skills up until this point in your life. This week you will be reassessing your future options. Planning is likely to begin in another direction. January 2024 is a strong start position for you to organise what you hope to achieve next. Start by writing your ‘to do’ list. Your finances and personal abundance have the potential to improve greatly. Courage may be required for you to step into the unknown or to gain the new experiences you are planning. You are encouraged to let all doubts fall away as the energy does suggest that a choice must be made. Focus will be required to stay on track. Don’t give up on your personal plans if others are against you initially or are not supporting. Smile on the inside and soon your positive friendly nature will bring results for all to see.

 14th – 31ST January:  The positive masculine energy of protection & responsible leadership begins to surface. The right action to take may be challenging for world leaders. On a personal level you may deeply know that you are ready to be in a position of authority yourself and most importantly you are ready to act upon it. There Is a collective understanding for a need for transparency in all that we do. Life as we know it is energetically changing. We can now look back at what hasn’t been working and decide that there is much light and good things available to all people that choose to live with optimism in their heart. You end January with more vitality and happiness. You are ready to activate your own personal power through the practice of mindfulness and self-responsibility. You are aware that overtime your inner peace potentially brings peace to your world. Positive outcomes are very likely now for any personal struggles you may have been going through. The possibility of a new life begins, or for some the news of a new baby being conceived.

You know you are ready to activate your own personal power.

 Your Mantra for the month of January: 

I experience life.

I stay focused.

I bring results.

Australian Wildlife Guidance.

Dingo:  Intuition Guides You.  Dingo is guided by his inner senses. He uses his eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell.

His inner knowing is strongly connected to the universal source, and he is guided by its force. He sends you the strength to sit in silence on a star filled night, to go within to hear your own inner guidance. There you will find you also have the gift of dingo dreaming.

Keep the centre of your home clear and peaceful during 2024 with a relaxing soft theme that speaks calm to you.

Feng Shui Tip: 2024 adds up to a number 8 year indicating the potential to create wealth from buying or selling. From the 10th of February the year of the Dragon brings the energy of abundance, power and strong leadership skills making it a fantastic time to also start something new for long term success.

In your house it is wise to remember that the January to February period is an excellent time to clean out the old to allow space for the new energy to arrive. This very Yang energy of 2024 can affect our nervous system so it will be wise to create a home that supports peace and relaxation. Take notice of the centre of your home. How does it feel? Keep it clear and peaceful with a relaxing soft theme that speaks calm to you.


