Guidance and Predictions overview:

February brings much forward movement and collective change.  You will feel it!  On the 10th of February the year of the Wood Dragon begins the Chinese New Year. So here we go with this powerful yang energy that allows us to create or destroy. We can choose to combine this energy with the divine power and consciously create good for ourselves and others. On the other hand, the powerful Yang energy used by the unconscious can create more chaos and suffering. Opportunities will be presenting left right and centre for both powers to play out. For each of us it will be full steam ahead. In your personal life, you will be behind the wheel taking responsibility for your experience. A new pathway has been growing from the seeds you planted during 2023. Your wisdom is guiding you to be completely honest with yourself now. No hiding away or procrastinating. You are ready to ‘feel’ into any resistance and grow those seeds into something wonderful. After all we are all here to grow and evolve, so be prepared to step forward with purpose. Any challenges you face will help you to reassess your plans or modify your behaviours. Personal & collective growth is achievable. I encourage you to harness this incoming energy and do the best that you can with it.  

Collective Energy influences:

1st – 14th February: All those lists you wrote down and intentions you set in January are now underway or on the table ready to be actioned. Your previous impatience is likely to shift to excitement. You are keen to build your life in new directions. You find you can be disciplined and achieved more. It is very likely that you feel the presence of divine love/spirit with you. Repeating numbers may catch your attention, or they may already be doing. Remember this is just spirits way of letting you know you are on track, loved and encouraged to enjoy what you are doing. Around the 9th be careful of the need to be ‘right’. You may find yourself in a disagreement. If you calmly say to yourself “is that so?” it will remind you that you don’t have to agree or disagree. This irritability could be the start of more collective instability in our world that could continue for some time into the future. Practise presence and gratitude moment by moment during this time. Add the vibration of your peaceful inner being to the collective energy of the world when you notice disruptions around you. This is something you can consciously do when you desire to change what is out of your control. Do your best not to add to the vibration of chaos.

 14th – 31ST February:  You have moved from thoughts of possibilities to thoughts of a probable future. Your actions and participation are still very much required even if you experience a sense of waiting for divine timing. Stay alert and open to the mystery of your life’s purpose this week. Don’t make assumptions that what you want will just happen or not happen. Your action is also necessary in your karmic life journey. You have the potential to move mountains when you align with focused energy and team up with the divine will of your journey. Some unpredictable situations may take place to shock the unconscious into a new reality. It could be the start of an incredible time for humanity. On a personal level your reality is also changing rapidly now. The intense energy of February may cause extra stress for some and for others it will feel exciting. It will feel like we are all being pushed forward collectively to wake up. On a global level there will be more people upraising and not wanting to conform to old outdated systems and political control. Be careful during this time especially when doing business on the internet. Make sure you have good security in place. From a spiritual perspective you can be the observer of all that is taking place. Be alert and love consciously. You can find a way to navigate calmly around any challenges that present.

Your Mantra for the month of February: 

I am here to grow.

I learn what I need to learn.

I am grateful.


Australian Wildlife Guidance.

White Cockatoo:  Express Yourself: White Cockatoo is not afraid to stand out in the crowd.  She says, “Share your message with confidence. If you have something important to express right now and want to be noticed, let your call go out far and wide.” Cockatoo wants you to be at ease with who you are.


Feng Shui Tip: With so much fast paced yang energy arriving many will be able to capitalize on this powerful energy shift. 

2024 is an 8 year bringing opportunities to increase your abundance. If you are wanting to sell, purchase or move house you may potentially do better living in a new environment this year. The sale or purchase of property also has potential to increase your wealth. 

If you are not planning on moving, I encourage you to listen to the rhythm of your current home to see if you notice any shifts in how you feel about your space and how you feel about yourself. All areas of your home need good energy. Just like your body needs attention to stay healthy. A home that has healthy energy will support your wellbeing.

Do a wellbeing check up on not only your home but also include the local environment. Does it feel well suited to your personal energy? Can you thrive where you live?  Plants need healthy environments to thrive in. You are no different.  A quick little cure that may help to address any harshness of yang energy entering your space this year is to add the energy of pure rose quartz throughout your home. It will vibrate with softness, peace, and healing. Remember to cleanse your crystals often. Wishing you all a Happy Wood Dragon New Year.💖



