Guidance and Predictions overview:

April is going to be a month that represents the unexpected. Change, success and new directions will be the outcome for many. Also a  big shake up is likely for some and out of that may come the understanding that your life cannot continue as it has in the past. You will be rewarded for your personal breakthrough. Money markets, food distribution and the need for good nutrition and medical accountability may turn out to be favourable or unfavourable but it feels more like a turn for the better. Believe what is possible for yourself. This new phase is your destiny unfolding. But with that comes the reminder that we are all responsible for shaping and creating how we experience our own lives. Everything starts with your thought and there is always a spiritual solution to every problem you encounter. The Eclipse in early April is seen as an omen or as a warning by many. Your individual past actions will be rewarded. Karma shows us what we are learning and gives opportunities to break through and heal past wounds. We are all in a different chapter of our life and this month gives you the opportunity to start your new chapter. It’s time to re divine what your personal role is. Focus on what life has to offer you right now. Be grateful for any opportunity to learn and grow. With careful attention and nurturing of your own desires for this world there is potential for your life to turn out incredibly well. Know that you are divinely guided, loved, and blessed with the ability to use your inner power to give and receive love. It is not always easy, but it is what carries the light of awareness into the world and brings about positive change.

Collective Energy influences:

1st – 14th April You will be asked to face yourself on all levels and life may be changing rapidly. It has been like this for some time now and you will need to be very kind to yourself. Do your best to get much more sleep to help with this transitional period. It can be a very powerful time for you. Yes, it could be challenging but remember that this type of growth is expanding your consciousness. You wake up! This is what the soul wanted to learn. You have moved through so much and gained so much in your life already. There are no failures on your life journey only opportunities to understand what works and what doesn’t. Your next experience/ adventure is clearly in your sights now. Keep on keeping on. One foot after the other. You are gaining more confidence and belief in yourself. You may have recently felt that you have reached your peak because of all the intensity that you have had to go through. You have moved through a lot and have gained a new way of looking at your life. Childhood wounds finally get the chance to be expressed, understood, and healed. Your body health has become important, and you will continue to focus on improving this area of your life. During the April Eclipse you may experience an energy boost / spiritual awakening. For some this period could be incredibly exciting as spiritual insights are flowing. For others life will be overwhelming because of the many unexpected personal events that have taken place. If this feels like you, look to the divine feminine for support. Nurture yourself by being in nature. Slow down, watch and become aware of how your thoughts are affecting you. It is a time to reset or adjust your belief system.  Ask yourself, “Is this belief serving me now?”. Know that everything comes in cycles and that your next cycle is underway. It doesn’t have to be as it has been in the past.

 14th – 30th April Not everything you hear will be what it seems. There could very well be some big shakes ups collectively on the global stage and individually in your own life.  Light is shining brightly on all the shadows from the past. Nothing will remain hidden for long now. Anything held in the dark, any secrets from past, abuse and disrespect will come to the surface to be seen. With this the understanding that transparency, authenticity, respect, and love is the collective way forward. Due to its long suffering the ego victim consciousness awakens to meet the heart consciousness. It’s a time to listen to your hearts true message and not be reactive, suspicious or blame external situations for your own challenges or fears. A deeper understanding and self-responsibility arises and empowers many. Powerful realisations come during this time. You will understand where your childhood and past lives wounds came from and the deeper meaning behind them. You will have the strength to take those steps towards your new expanded way of being. Some will be brave enough to take risks like never before. This will be because it was fated to happen in this lifetime. We are being fast tracked into our new reality. Money markets will be part of the global shake up. Many will also make good wealth opportunities through new innovative ideas. Food knowledge and new laws about what can be put on labels and in our body leads to more home-grown nutrition. You will also notice that you are becoming very In-touch with your feelings. (positive and negative). Your listening ability improves. Being a good listener allows you to be more sensitive to matters that are causing concern for others. Creative gifts develop as spiritual awareness strengthens. A matter that has been of great concern to you is on its way to being fully resolved. Peace-loving vibes become more important than disagreeing or insisting that others see it your way. You find ways to bring flexibility, acceptance, and tolerance into your personality. Loving all and serving all is a developing collective characteristic.

Your Mantra for the month of April

I am healthy.

I am abundant.

I am loved.

I am safe. 

Australian Wildlife Guidance.

Kookaburra - Cosmic Cue -Kookaburra encourages you to stay focused on your goal. He reminds you of his skill to sit patiently in wait for that cosmic cue. Once focused kookaburra swoops and dives his beak into the ground and is always on target to catch his worm. Kookaburra also knows the importance of laughing and connecting with his family. He may be showing you that you need to focus on your family, to reconnect with those that you love and those that love you. It may be up to you to initiate the connection. Is it time to chat and have a good kookaburra laugh with your family and friends?

FENG SHUI TIP: The chapters of our life can be represented by the doorways into our home. Our home whether it is temporary or permanent can bring tremendous support during change. In Feng Shui the front door is often called the mouth of your home. It is also the best way to energetically be nourished, just as you put healthy food into your mouth for nutrient benefits, you also affect the overall health of your life by what enters the mouth of your home. Our front entrance is like the doorway to our inner and outer world. Your health, safety and opportunities are received at this entrance point. Of course, there are other ways that healthy energy flows throughout the home, like windows and skylights but the front door is the main point. April is a time to ask yourself about the energy of your front door. Does it welcome fresh new opportunities into your life when opened. Is it strong and protective. Do you and your family feel safe inside. Is it the colours that uplifts and inspire you and others to enter. Is it clean and clear from dust and clutter? Would visitors be able to find your front door? Use April to remedy your entrance if it’s not achieving the above. Get excited about the new opportunities that will present. Set intentions and encourage positive energy into your home.



